Below are the following public Boards, Authorities, and Commissions currently active within Monessen City Government. If you are interested in being appointed to a vacant or expired position, please contact City Hall for more information.
The purpose of the Monessen Blighted Property Review Board is to administer certification to the Monessen Redevelopment Authority, of all properties deemed to be vacant or abandoned, as required by the Urban Redevelopment Law, in order to promote reuse and reinvestment in properties in the City of Monessen. Further, the board may also advise the Redevelopment Authority, City Community Development Department, City Council, and other appropriate agencies of the city, on the establishment and modification of policies, procedures, and rules for the purposes of the rehabilitation of properties in Monessen.
Marc Bellora, Chair (Planning Commission Representative) 3/9/2021 – 12/31/2024
Michael Kelly, Vice-Chair (Redevelopment Authority Representative) 3/9/2021 -12/31/2022
John McGee 01/25/2024 – 12/31/2027
City Administrator/Clerk (Executive Branch Representative) 01/25/2024 -12/31/2027
Frank Lopresti (Citizen Representative) 01/01/2022 – 12/31/2026
Mary Jo Smith (Citizen Representative) 01/01/2021 – 12/31/2025
Joshua Lindsey (Citizen Representative) 03/21/2021 -12/31/2025
A Board of Appeals is established by resolution of the Council of the City of Monessen in conformity with the requirements of the relevant provisions of the code, as amended from time to time, including the Uniform Construction Code (UCC) and the International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC).
POSITION VACANT (Certified Architect)
POSITION VACANT (Certified Electrician)
POSITION VACANT (Competent Builder)
POSITION VACANT (Certified Building Engineer)
POSITION VACANT (Certified Architect)
POSITION VACANT (Citizen Representative)
Delmar Hepple (Municipal Fire Chief Representative)
The purpose of the Environmental Advisory Board of the City of Monessen is to advise the City of Monessen on matters dealing with protection, conservation, management and use of natural resources, including air, tree, land and water resources located within the limits of the City of Monessen; to assist in the ongoing efforts of City of Monessen to preserve open space within the city; to help educate residents of the City of Monessen about the importance of environmental protection; to better activate and seek creative uses for the abundance of city-owned vacant lots in Monessen that shall help the common good – these uses shall be geared towards sustainable and environmentally conscious practices, such as urban farming, apiaries, and other creative and productive solutions; to help the City of Monessen take official steps to make decisions that are sustainable, both environmentally and practically; and to work with the City Engineer to help educate the public on the City’s MS4 program, and other environmental programming.
Mary Jo Smith, Chairperson 01/01/2021 -12/31/2023
VACANT, Secretary 12/15/2021 -12/31/2023
VACANT, Treasurer 12/15/2021 -12/31/2025
Marc Bellora 01/01/2021 -12/31/2022
Candis Kelley 01/01/2021 -12/31/2022
The purpose of the Monessen Human Relations Commission is to act as an advisory, educational, and research-based board, that shall study any issues related to the subject matter, laid out in the Monessen Human Relations Ordinance, regarding discrimination in Monessen, in housing, commercial property, employment, and public accommodations, based upon race, color, religious creed, ancestry, age, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, genetic information, handicap or disability, or the use of a guide or support animal because the user is a handler or trainer of support or guide animals. The Commission does not have the authority to engage in enforcement proceedings nor proceed with a cause of action. The Commission may also make recommendations to agencies of the City and Mayor and Council to effectuate such policies and procedures as seen fit by the subject of the Human Relations Ordinance. The Commission may also study the problems of discrimination and foster goodwill among groups within the City population. The Commission may also issue publications of its findings, and present a report of findings or studies, at least once per year, to City Council. To contact the Human Relations Commission, please email
Courtney Moran, Chair 03/09/2021 – 12/31/2025
Darla Holmes, Co-Chair 03/09/2021 – 12/31/2025
VACUANT, Secretary 03/09/2021 – 12/31/2025
Alan C. Duncan Sr. 03/09/2021 – 12/31/2025
Matthew Kowasic 03/09/2021 – 12/31/2025
Monessen’s Representative to the Mid-Mon Valley Transit Authority Board serves as a voice for Monessen residents, to aid in the management of the Mid-Mon Valley Transit Authority, which operates a bus system throughout Monessen and other Mid-Mon Valley Communities. For more information, please visit their website at
Fred Naccarato 01/01/2021 – 12/31/2025
The Monessen Planning Commission is a Five-Member Commission, and by ordinance is a part of the Monessen Department of City Planning and Urban Development, under the jurisdiction of the Department of Public Affairs of the City of Monessen. The Monessen Planning Commission has all of the powers and duties authorized for City Planning Commissions by the Third Class City Code under the Pennsylvania Municipal Planning Code, and in part, is responsible for providing recommendations to the city in matters of planning, zoning, code enforcement, land surveying, land development, subdivision, and feasibility studies.
Marc Bellora, Chairman 01/01/2020 – 12/31/2023
Devona Carter 01/01/2021 – 12/31/2024
Daryl Ray 01/01/2018 – 12/31/2021
Milton Sanders 01/01/2021 – 12/31/2024
Josh Turkovich 01/01/2019 – 12/31/2022
Alternate: Greg Davis
The Monessen Police Civil Service Board is responsible for providing for and overseeing the examination of applicants for appointment to and promotion to any position within the Monessen Police Department. The board consists of three members, each with five-year terms.
Paul Butchko 01/01/2025 – 12/31/2029
James Quattro 07/13/2021 – 01/31/2026
Bill Hess 01/01/2021 – 12/31/2025
The Monessen Library Board of Trustees is responsible for helping to manage the Monessen Public Library, by establishing creative programming to attract patrons to the library, supporting Library Staff, and meeting major fundraising goals each year; in order to keep the library growth and success moving in a positive direction.
Joe Bozik 01/23/2025- 12/31/2029
Virginia Monaghan 01/23/2025 – 12/31/2029
Elizabeth Gregg 05/23/2024 – 12/31/2026
Dawn McKechnie 01/23/2025 – 12/31/2029
John Golomb 01/12/2023 – 12/31/2025
Tamara Bojsen 05/01/2024– 12/31/2027
The Monessen Recreation Board is a seven-member board and is responsible for assisting in providing recreational opportunities in public parks, sports facilities, and other recreational areas within the City of Monessen. This board was founded in 1971, and after going on hiatus, was reformed in 2017, with an amendment made to its founding ordinance in 2018, and another amendment in 2021. The Mayor and City Council select seven members to each serve a five-year term. All members must maintain updated Child Clearances.
Latitia Williams, Chairperson 5/11/2021 -12/31/2023
William Sanders, Vice-Chair 5/11/2021 -12/31/2023
Karla Spangler, Secretary 4/13/2021 – 12/31/2024
ReAnna Merritt, Treasurer 01/01/2021 – 12/31/2025
Valarie Weible, Historian 01/01/2021 – 12/31/2025
Mark Panicucci 4/13/2021 – 12/31/2022
Raynelle Mays 4/13/2021 – 12/31/2024
Jack Sacco (Youth Member) 5/11/2021 – 12/31/2022
Aaliyah Rice (Youth Member) 7/13/2021 – 12/31/2022
The Monessen Redevelopment Authority Board consists of five members, who each serve five-year terms. The Redevelopment Authority was founded in the 1960s and is responsible for acquiring, selling, rehabilitating, and redeveloping vacant properties within the City of Monessen. The Authority owns roughly 150 vacant properties in Monessen. The Authority is tasked with working with other city boards and commissions, as well as City Government, to bring equitable development into the city. They are also responsible for providing a regular report to the city council. The Authority holds monthly public meetings, which are subject to Pennsylvania’s Sunshine Laws.
Mary Jo Smith 1/1/2022 – 12/31/2026
Valarie Hardison 05/02/2024 – 12/31/2028
Philip Mandarino 01/23/2025 – 12/31/2029
Donald Byron 1/25/2024 – 12/31/2028
Bishop Bass 1/1/2023 – 12/31/2027
Lou Mavrakis – Executive Director 12/31/2024
The Monessen Shade Tree Commission is a five-member board that consists of three members familiar with horticulture, botany, forestry, or a related field, and two members who are not. The Shade Tree Commission shall regulate the planting, maintenance, and removal of trees on streets and other publicly owned property, to ensure safety or preserve the aesthetics of such public sites. All actions to plant new trees, or prune or remove existing trees shall be taken following an advertised public meeting, and by approval from Mayor and Council. You can learn more about the Monessen Shade Tree Commission by clicking this link.
Marc Bellora, Chairman 01/01/2021 –12/31/2023
Gordon Marshall, Treasurer 08/10/2021 –12/31/2025
VACANT 01/01/2022 –12/31/2023
VACANT 01/01/2021 –12/31/2023
Mary Jo Smith 01/01/2021 –12/31/2023
The Monessen Zoning and Hearing Board is responsible, in part, for hearing and deciding appeals where it is alleged by the appellant (a person affected or any agency of the City) that the Zoning Officer has failed to follow prescribed procedures or has misinterpreted or misapplied any valid provision of Monessen’s Zoning Ordinance; hearing challenges to the validity of Monessen’s Zoning Ordinance, as filed with the Zoning Hearing Board in writing by the property owner affected, any officer or agency of the City or any person aggrieved; hearing requests for variances filed with the Zoning Hearing Board in writing by any property owner (or any tenant with the permission of the property owner); or granting Special Exceptions, based on the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code.
Mark Shire, Chair 01/01/2021 – 12/31/2022
Linda Lacey 01/01/2022 – 12/31/2024
Te’Querra Turner, Secretary 01/01/2021 – 12/31/2023
The Mon Valley Refuse Authority is a joint authority with the Borough of North Belle Vernon. The Purpose of the Mon Valley Refuse Authority is to manage refuse collection for the City of Monessen and the Borough of North Belle Vernon. The board consists of four Monessen representatives and three North Belle Vernon Representatives. The Authority holds monthly public meetings, which are subject to Pennsylvania’s Sunshine Laws.
David Feehan 01/01/2024 – 12/31/2028
Pino Cianflone 01/01/2022 – 12/31/2026
John Mandarino 01/23/2025 – 12/31/2029
Karen Marinos 01/01/2021 – 12/31/2025
The Mon Valley Sewage Authority Board is a joint authority between the City of Monessen and the Borough of Donora. The board is responsible for managing the stormwater and sanitary sewage systems and their facilities, within Donora and Monessen, and for collecting applicable fees associated with the systems in each municipality. The Authority holds monthly public meetings, which are subject to Pennsylvania’s Sunshine Laws.
Paul Beradelli 01/01/2021 – 12/31/2025
Dennis Wince 01/01/2020 – 12/31/2024
Tom Salak 01/23/2025– 12/31/2029
Lou Maracini (Donora Representative)
Tom Thompson (Donora Representative)
Aaron Bialon (Solicitor)
The purpose of the Police Accountability and Internal Affairs Board is to provide an enforcement mechanism for the City’s Police Accountability and Internal Affairs Policy, which was adopted in 2020. The objects of the accountability reviews conducted by this board are Protection of the Public; Protection of the Police Department; Protection of employees; Review of Police Department policies, procedures, rules, and regulations to evaluate their effectiveness and appropriateness; and recommendations for revision and additions of policies, procedures, rules, or regulations. Additionally, the objectives of internal affairs investigations are Protection of the Public; protections of the Police Department; Protection of the Employees; Removal of unit personnel; and Correction of procedural problems. This board shall submit its findings and recommendations to City Council. This board’s work shall be required to remain confidential since it deals with personnel matters. The Board consists of the Mayor and four appointed community members.
08/11/2020 -12/31/2022
Alan Duncan, Sr. 08/11/2020 – 12/31/2021
Hunter Stangroom 01/23/2025-12/31/2029
Bob Stark 08/11/2020 -12/31/2023
The City of Monessen Youth and Young Citizens Board will seek to ensure that all Monessen City Youth are aware of and have access to positive opportunities to meet their basic needs to:
Be safe, feel cared for, be valued, and be independent, and;
Build skills and competencies that allow them to function and contribute to society in a productive manner.
More specifically, the board will advocate for supportive policies, facilitate enriching experiences, work with established groups and organizations in Monessen and the region, who cater towards supporting youth; and will regularly assess how well the City and other local youth-serving organizations are doing in achieving the following intended outcomes for youth:
Academic Success: Academically prepared for post-secondary opportunities;
Good health and wellbeing;
Strong character;
Informed decision making;
Civic engagement;
Developmentally-appropriate levels of independence;
Cultural awareness and sensitivity: Educated and exposed to their own, as well as other cultures.
The Board may use such reference materials, data, and research-based methods, such as the Pennsylvania Youth Survey, or other relevant, similar publications, in order to meet its objectives.
One of the long-term goals of the Youth and Young Citizens Board shall be to establish Youth Participatory Program in the City of Monessen. The goals of a Youth Participatory Program would be to establish a program led by youth that focuses on promoting youth’s understanding of city government work, developing youth leadership, elevating youth voices in the City of Monessen, and providing a platform for youth to propose and fund projects that directly relate to their concerns.
Zalendria Hardison (Youth Representative) 08/10/2021 – 12/31/2022
Micaiah Martin(Youth Representative) 05/25/2023 – 12/31/2024
Seryna Mendez (Young Adult Representative) 05/125/2023 -12/31/2024
Julian Naphier (Young Adult Representative) 02/08/2024- 12/31/2025
Teresa Seh (Education Representative) 02/08/2024 – 12/31/2025
Marsha Adams (Education Representative) 02/8/2024- 12/31/2025
Linda Carson (At-Large Representative) 02/08/2024-12/31/2025